Many companies buy their office equipment, and office furniture, and other essential equipment like heavy machinery, medical, dental or veterinary equipment, but then lease their buildings. It should be the other way around. Buildings generally appreciate, and equipment and furniture do not.
It would be nice if there was a magical formula that tells you when to lease, buy or rent, but it is not that simple. Every business has different needs and budgets that vary over time.
J. Paul Getty, the world's first billionaire, coined the phrase "Buy that which appreciates, lease that which depreciates."
Today, over 30% of all equipment acquired in the US is acquired under a lease contract. This makes leasing the single largest form of external corporate finance in the country. Over 80% of companies - from small start-ups to the Fortune 500 - lease some or all of their equipment with lease originations totaling almost $300 billion annually.
Does that make leasing right for your company? Not necessarily, but there are many compelling reasons to consider leasing your next equipment or machinery acquisition.
Leasing Equipment vs. Buying
- Business leasing provides income from use, not ownership of equipment.
- Business leasing allows assets to be deployed into things that appreciate.
- Business leasing maintains current cash reserves for future or unexpected needs.
At Harris Leasing Company, we take the time to get to know you and your business needs regardless of your credit history or if you are just starting out. Our leasing specialists will work with you to develop a custom finance program. Get started today! Simply call 713-783-7820 to speak with a representative or start the application process here!